Berlinale Talent Campus

The application deadline for the Berlinale Talent Campus and the hands-on training programmes is October 6, 2010

The 9th Berlinale Talent Campus will take place from February 12 – 17, 2011. The Berlinale Talent Campus is a creative academy and networking platform for 350 up-and-coming filmmakers from all over the world.

The Berlinale Talent Campus lasts for six days and offers a huge variety of different programme elements for DIRECTORS • SCREENWRITERS • ACTORS • CINEMATOGRAPHERS • PRODUCERS • EDITORS • SOUND DESIGNERS • COMPOSERS • PRODUCTION DESIGNERS and FILM CRITICS


Berlinale Talent Campus - bron

What do you stand for as a filmmaker and where are you heading? Defining who you are and where you want to go as a filmmaker is an endeavour in itself. It confronts you with choices, and forces you to experiment and take risks. A demanding world asks for outspoken filmmakers who don’t just follow the rules, it needs a generation of filmmakers not afraid of assuming responsibility.

Filmmakers positioning themselves have to make creative choices as well as strategic ones. Daring and decisiveness are indispensable virtues here: trying new approaches, reinventing old ones; developing an eye for the signposts that match your goal and show you the way.

The 9th edition of the Berlinale Talent Campus will focus on filmmakers positioning themselves in today’s world of cinema. The Campus will support and foster emerging filmmakers, bringing them together with seasoned experts who have travelled the road before and will shine a light on the bumpy road ahead.

Personal tutoring, coaching and training of participants from different fields of work. These hands-on training programmes require an additional application, in certain cases related to a project you’re currently working on. Those who make it will take part in an experience of exceptional value, despite needing to spend some extra time on the application. The hands-on training programmes of the Campus include:

  • the Score Competition for score composers and sound designers
  • the Campus Studio for directors, producers, cinematographers, and editors involved in post-production stage
  • the Script Station for scriptwriters
  • the Doc Station for documentary filmmakers
  • the Talent Project Market for collaborating producers and directors
  • the Talent Press for film critics
  • the Talent Actors Stage for actors
  • and the Berlin Today Award for directors.

You can find the application form here.