Unsolicited Proposal Program


Continuing our annual Unsolicited Proposal Program, we will accept 600-word, idea-based exhibition proposals for evaluation by an international panel of apexart associates (curators, artists, writers, philosophers). Submissions are reviewed independently and anonymously—they are evaluated solely on the strength of the idea.

Previous curatorial experience is in no way required, and will not factor into the selection process.


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Two proposals with the highest ratings are presented each season at apexart. For those in or outside the field, this program is a unique opportunity to have a professionally mounted exhibition in New York City!

Applications are welcomed and encouraged from around the world. Apply here.

More information on the website


Apexart is a non-profit arts organization in Lower Manhattan that was conceived to offer opportunities to independent curators and emerging and established artists, as well as to challenge ideas about art, its practice and curation. We realize this mission through exhibitions, an international residency, a book publishing initiative, and public programs and events. More information on the website.