Digital Aesthetic 2

Conference and exhibition

16 mrt 2007
17 mrt 2007

16th - 17th March 2007

Organised jointly by: Dr Chris Meigh-Andrews, (University of Central Lancashire, Electronic and Digital Art Unit) and the Harris Museum and Art Gallery

Venue: University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Conference Background and Aims

The aim of the conference is to facilitate good practice in the emerging area of Fine Art practice within the digital domain, to foster and communicate the dissemination of new and theoretical ideas and to provide a forum and to facilitate networking between artists, academics
and writers.

The Digital Aesthetic 2 is a joint initiative between the Electronic and Digital Art Unit at the University of Central Lancashire and Harris Museum and Art Gallery. Built on the highly successful exhibition, conference and website The Digital Aesthetic autumn 200. We aim to bring together some of the most significant visual artists, theorists and academics worki ng in the international field of new media and digital imaging.

The exhibition will consist of artworks from artists of regional, national and international importance at venues including the University of Central Lancashire and the Harris Museum and Art Gallery. This two day conference will highlight, explore and debate the issues and implications of new media work within the contemporary fine art context.

Who Should Attend?
This conference will be of interest to a range of people including artists, critics and academics, undergraduate and post-graduate students.

Draft Programme

9:30-10:00 Refreshments and registration
10:00-10:15 Welcome and Introduction Dr Chris Meigh-Andrews

10:15-11:30 Session 1

  • Prof. Sean Cubitt, (Australia), Director of Media and

Communications Program, Faculty of Arts, The University of
Melbourne,Light and Colour in the Digital Domain

  • Jon Thomson, (UK), Slade School of Art, University College

London & Alison Craighead (UK), CARTE, University of
Westminster,Sculpting Real Time

  • Clive Gillman, (UK), Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts,

Dundee, Gallery as a Digital Hub

  • 11:30-12:00 Refreshments break

*12:00-13:15 Session 2

  • Gary Hill (USA) Artist
  • Dr Charlie Gere (UK), Reader in New Media Research at the

Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University, "Hoc Est Enim
Corpus Meum": Stelarc's Mystical Body

  • Dr Andrea Zapp, (Germany/UK), Senior Lecturer and MA Route

Leader Media Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, Manchester Metropolitan University, The Real and the Imaginary: Interactive Narratives in Online Media Art Installations

13:30-14:30 lunch

*14:30-15:45 Session 3

  • Prof. David Garcia, (Netherlands), Professor of Design for

Digital Cultures, University of Portsmouth, UK and Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht, Knowledge, Networks, Freedom

  • Prof. Bill Seaman, (USA), Department Head of Digital + Media

Department, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, The Thoughtbody Environment. Toward the Science of Neo-sentient

  • Prof. Paul Sermon, (UK), Professor of Creative Technology,

University of Salford, Puppeteers, Performance or Avatars- A perceptual difference in telematic space

15:45-16:15 Refreshments

16:15-17:00 Plenary Chaired by Prof. Jane Prophet

18:30 Private view - Harris Museum

Saturday 17th March 2007,

Mitchell & Kenyon Cinema, Foster Building, University of Central

9:30-10:00 Refreshments and registration

10:00-11:30 Session 1

  • Robert Cahen, (France) Artist, Recent Digital Works
  • Dr Peter Appleton (UK) Artist and Reader In Creative Technology,

ICDC: (International Centre for Digital Content), Liverpool John Moores University

  • Taylor Nuttall, (UK) Chief Executive of Folly, Virtual

relationships, individual identity and cultural growth

11:30-12:00 Refreshments break

12:00-13:30 Session 2

  • The Vasulkas (Iceland, Czech Republic/USA), Artists, Recent

Digital Video Work

  • Blast Theory (UK), Artists Collective
  • Avi Rosen (Israel), Artist, The Ultimate Cathedral

13:30-14:30 lunch

14:30-16:00 Session 3

  • Dr Alexander Galloway (USA), Assistant Professor, Department of

Culture and Communication, New York University, Current and Past Work by the Radical Software Group.

  • E-boy, (Germany), Artists Collective, Parts
  • David Surman, (UK) Senior Lecturer in Computer Games Design,

Newport School of Art, Media and Design, Pagentry and Play in Digital Art

16:00-16:30 Refreshments break
16:30-17:15 Plenary Chaired by Prof. Jane Prophet

Further information relating to the conference: