Basis Amsterdam

Once Upon A Time, there were two little boys who spent several years in bars, restaurants, clubs and other places with beer, music and nice people. When it was time to break free of the chains that bound them to their workplaces, Michiel and Jan decided to open up their own little playground.

It's called Basis.

I'ts a bar.

Unlike any you've seen before.

We've opened Basis at Vijzelstraat 66, Amsterdam. We've probably got the place only until may 2013. Maybe this period will be extended or maybe we'll relocate.

Together with Entremedio ( and POJ from MOS Collectief we've created the look and feel to make it comfortable, unique and stimulating to all the senses.

With everyone's help, we'll fill it up with (live) music, art, gezelligheid, culture, events, beer and other weird shit. All initiatives are welcome! If you are performing, creating, organizing or doing something that should be shared with other people at Basis contact us!

Bring Your Own Food is what we do and here’s how it works: You can eat anything you want in Basis. Order a tasty bite from us, order from a delivery service, bring it from home or buy it at the supermarket. The choice is up to you. We have selected some of our favourite delivery company menus, just to make things easier for you. Basis has plates, cutlery, microwaves/ovens and a phone for ordering: everything you need to enjoy your food. We’ll even do your dishes for you.

A big thank you to everyone who has helped us so far! We appreciate very much what you mean to us.

Much love and see you soon!

Michiel and Jan

INI Movement presents: Expo Tom Kraanen (teaser)

Contact informatie

  • Basis Amsterdam
  • Vijzelstraat 66
  • Amsterdam