Sandmapping to locate yourself

Sunday January 20, 14:00-18:00

Using a water bottle filled with sand, a stick, and rope we will reenact smartphone location services. Sandmapping is a DIY, tactile street graffiti with which you can map people and surroundings. If you've had trouble finding yourself lately and enjoy playing with sand, join us this Sunday. RSVP here if you want to be mapped.

Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum and Bert Kommerij use sand to create temporary interactive artworks by mapping locations and people with sand circles. Together with Mediamatic, they will offer this new way of locating yourself physically and later virtually.

More information

This is an experiment, and you can join us any time between 14:00 and 18:00. Entrance is free for members, otherwise it's €5,-. Kids half price. Location: Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10, Amsterdam.