FacelessFest: 3 days of data, hacking, privacy and performance

Workshops and lectures by leading artists, hackers and researchers. April 1 - 3.

We're discussing hacking, privacy, the advent of new technologies that may or may not be good, superheroes, surveillance and more. And putting on workshops on computer security, biometrics-resistance and computer vision performance. With Jeremy Bailey, Zach Blas, Bogomir Doringer, Dan Hassler-Forest and Stefan Hechenberger. Workshops during the day, food and lectures in the evening. View the full program online.


Dialectical software gundam suit - This is part of an application by Jeremy Bailey for the project Dialectical Software Gundam Suit, a live performance involving a software “suit” that augments and extends both the creative and destructive abilities of the performer. Info and image found on the artist's website. Jeremy Bailey


---- LECTURES -----

Wed 2 April
- Jeremy Bailey: body patents
- Zach Blas: the dangers of facial recognition software
- Bogomir Doringer: Faceless

Thu 3 April
- Dan Hassler-Forest: superheroes and surveillance
- Stefan Hechenberger: the importance of open source
- Maurits Martijn: the future of privacy

---- WORKSHOPS -----

Tue 1 April: Zach Blas
Facial Weaponization Suite: A Mask-Making Workshop

Wed 2 April: Jeremy Bailey
Camera spoofing, Kinect-hacking and more. Engage in a game between your computer, your webcam and yourself.

Thu 3 April: Stephan Hechenberger
Prevent browser tracking and secure communication channels and online payments on your personal computer.

More information

FacelessFest is part of Faceless, an exhibition on privacy, seduction and surveillance at Mediamatic. All events take place at Mediamatic, VOC-kade 10, Van Gendthallen Amsterdam. This program was made possible with the support of Sanberg Institute and Nederlandse Filmakademie.