
Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts

The German publishing company "Bibliographisches Institut" was founded 1826 in Gotha by Joseph Meyer and it's nowadays called Bibliographisches Institut GmbH


Bibliographisches Institut - Logo for the Bibliographisches Institut in Leipzig

In 1828 it moved to Hildburghausen and in 1874 to Leipzig. The company was expropriated by the communist regime in 1946 and turned into a "Volkseigener Betrieb", so it moved to Western Germany under the name of Bibliographisches Institut AG. In 1984 it amalgamated with its biggest competitor in the market of reference works, F.A. Brockhaus of Wiesbaden to become Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus AG, having their seat in Mannheim. After the German reunion the company regained its former properties in Leipzig in 1991 and its headquarters are nowadays situated in Berlin.