Staff newsletter 20/5

Wednesday 20 May

Here's the weekly staff newsletter for you to know what's going on this week, and to share important information and fun facts


Dijksgracht 6 before Mediamatic moved in - Built in 1957, the building served as an office for the city's bridge maintenance team. DIVV was the name of the department they were part of. Willem Velthoven


Yet another biotalk: Printing Algae, Fungi and Contaminations is taking place tonight. This time it’s all about fashion, textile and printing! Studio Blond&Bieber will tell us about Algaemy, an analogue textile printer which does not require additional energy or material apart from manpower and the micro-algae itself; Tessa Kuipers will talk about how she encourages using fungi natural properties for a design purpose; Tamara Hoogeweegen will introduce us to Bacterial Patterns, a project that transfers colors and patterns from bacteria on to textiles; Nienke Hoogvliet will lead us to look into the continuation of SEA ME, transforming salmon skins into a leather fabric. All sounds fantastic, see you there!


Algaemy by studio Blond&Bieber -


Motherboard of Vice featured Mediamatic in the documentary Schimmel about the potential of mycelium! If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, check here.


There are 2 new rooms being used for us upstairs: one is the new graphics room, and the other is the office for the Rude All Over project, led by fashion consultant Carlo Wijnands.


Beer workshop is taking place again this Saturday. This time they would try to incorporate the process with with mycelium growing, and see if the two can happen at the same time. Good luck!


Cooking the malt during the Brew -

Have a good week!

If you feel like contributing something to the weekly newsletter, contact Candy or Rosalie!