16 03 2016 'ace Foundation Buenos Aires

16 mrt 2016

Sometimes I do not have time to notice, things happen in a few seconds . Everything changes. I’m alive. I am dead. And the world goes on . Sometimes my heart is as thin as a sheet of paper.


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Andrea Saltini is an artists who defines himself as a poet rather than a painter, when he starts to work, he thinks of a color but many words arouse in the paper, the words multiply and appear even structured in prose he says. After knowing his works (which are actually in the medium of painting on paper, with few colour touches, being black the main character) and his working process, one can understand why he states the previous. Andrea takes images from his context, the internet, music and whatever inspires him, transforms and combines them producing poetic constellations. He tells stories with melancholic atmospheres, making incongruent connections which result in dark, fantastic and even surreal tones.

For "L'ultima volta...ancora", Andrea has analysed the intentional or sometimes forced connections between dancers, the idea of how one person is absorbed by the other, and how the two may become a third different unity or how one erases the other.