Nuit Blanche Amsterdam
Een nachtelijke ontdekkingsreis
Stichting Vuig is een jaar geleden in het leven geroepen door Josine Neyman en Kristel Mutsters "om grote en mooie dingen te kunnen creëren". Ze wilden een groter publiek in contact brengen met...
Persbericht 8 december 2009
Eerste ‘user generated’ biënnale nu compleet
36 stedenpaviljoens in Amsterdam Biënnale 2009
Amsterdam 8 december 2009 – Zaterdag 12 december gaan de laatste paviljoens open en is de Amsterdam Biënnale 2009 compleet. 200 kunstenaars uit de hele wereld werkten met Mediamatic aan de eerste...
2003 / 2004
In november 2003 startte Mediamatic een nieuwe serie projecties op de Mediamatic Supermarkt
Whisper in the West
Wild West group-exhibition at artKITCHEN gallery 7 Oct - 17 Nov 2007
Opening: 7 oktober 2007 va. 16:00 Deelnemende kunstenaars: Arno Arts, Hugo Kaagman, Rob Scholte, Luuk Bode, Jos van der Sommen, Moritz Ebinger, Marjolijn Mandersloot, Les Deux Garçons, Tadaaki Narita
Mediamatic Travel
Reisbureau 2.0
Hoe kun je een stad beter ontdekken dan door haar kunst? Mediamatic Travel is een netwerk van lokale kunst- en cultuurliefhebbers die staan te springen om jou rond te leiden door hun stad. Van...
Festival beyond art
TODAYSART is a festival in The Hague organized by The Generator, which profiles itself in Art, Music and Technology.
Jarr and his Finish Flag
What have people been bringing to our resistance archive?
In this ongoing series, Objects and their People, we'll be writing about our favourite resistance objects, anecdotes and people. Keep up with what is happening in the Pièce de Résistance exhibition...
Den Haag, Nederland
TodaysArt 2008 Festival in The Hague
International Festival for Adventurous Creativity
Every year, for one weekend, the TodaysArt Festival transforms the city centre of The Hague into an inspiring stronghold of creativity and audiovisual experiences. This year, over 200 artists will...
Mushrooms are taking over the Dutch media
“Scientists, designers and dreamers are working on a revolution”.
For the last couple of months Motherboard, the technological arm of Vice have been on board to interview designers, scientists and mycelium experts about their work with fungi. The result is...
The Definition of Conceptual
somewhat of a review concerning a debate on the value of concept.
In the invitation Premsela sent out for their New Year's reception was the following: "Concept and Conceptual; the most used and especially abused words in the jargon of art, design and architecture.