

SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac

13 nov 2011

We're celebrating Lima's salvation with Peruvian food and music. Over the course of three weeks TINKEBELL. and over 100 volunteers painted a great number of houses in the slum settlement 'Rimac' in Lima. Seen from the city center, these houses together form a big pink heart. Back in The Netherlands, TINKEBELL. threw a party to celebrate.


TINKEBELL. presents SAVE THE WORLD #1 t/m #4 - SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac is part of TINKEBELL.'s Save the world project: twelve interventions worldwide that explore what happens when we force our (Western) view of the world on other cultures. 8 oktober 2011: Foto van SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac.


SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac

The ultimate community art project: SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac addresses how artists are employed to boost the image of 'bad' neighborhoods. TINKEBELL.'s project neatly checks all the boxes: 'working together', 'neighborly communication' and 'sending a positive signal to the outside world'. A response to the well-known community art projects, in which artists and their work are instrumentalized by city councils.


Presentation of SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac by TINKEBELL. and friends. Music by Peruvian threesome Apu Inka on guitar, panflute, charango (string instrument), kena (flute), and drums. Traditional Peruvian food like ceviche and crema de zapallo.


TINKEBELL. and children from Rimac - Over the course of three weeks TINKEBELL. and over 100 volunteers painted a great number of houses in the slum settlement 'Rimac' in Lima. Seen from the city center, these houses together form a big pink heart. In this picture you see TINKEBELL. with local Rimac children.



Earlier this year TINKEBELL. saved a dog in Gambia, a family in Guinea Bissau, and 69 turtles from death by soup in China. All were part of her SAVE THE WORLD project: twelve interventions worldwide that explore what happens when we force our (Western) view of the world on other cultures.

Click here for the official SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac project website.