Bacteria - Our invisible Guests

Biotalk: Thursday Sept. 15 20:30

Within the human body, the vast majority of cells are bacterial, fungal, or otherwise non-human. What does this mean for our perception of body elements? In this edition of Biotalk, we will try to get under the skin of the everyday. The human body and its relation with other micro-organisms will be explored through art - translating invisible processes into something touchable. With talks by Victoria Shennan, Debora Dax and Merle Bergers.

Tickets / Facebook / We Are Public selection


Microbial Mouthpiece - Microbial Mouthpiece by Victoria Shennan


Victoria Shennan - presentation + talk
Victoria Shennan (UK) is an interdisciplinary designer with a background in jewellery design. An important element in her work is the human body with all its facets - from organs to skin cells.

Debora Dax - presentation + talk
In the work of designer Debora Dax (CH), the human body is used as a tool to observe, translate, implement and invent. By questioning and suggesting norms and needs, she explores boundaries and possibilities of body perception. How do our surroundings shape our body?

Merle Bergers - presentation
In her projects, Merle Bergers (NL) reveals a strong interest in biological processes like fermentation, as well as in "non-food" and eating experiences. Her designs, for example the "belly bar", engage with human organs, trying to raise awareness, interaction and conscience about our body-systems.

Biotalk: Bacteria - Our invisible Guests
Thursday Sept.15, 20:30
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam
Tickets: Students €5,- / Pre-sale €7,50 / Regular €10,-
We Are Public members can reserve their ticket by sending a mail to:
Facebook event

Preceding the event you can grab something to eat and drink at Mediamatic ETEN.

Coming Up

25 Sept. - Rotzooi, fermentation festival | 1 Oct. - Workshop: The Art of growing Mushroom | 6 Oct. - Odorama: The Anthropology Edition

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