
How do you turn something boring into something fun?

Kids (and smart parents) know the answer: with games! Gamification allows institutions and companies to promote and deepen their activities, resulting in engaged visitors and clients. During this training we will 'gamify' two case studies. You will learn the basics of gamification, and we'll discuss a number of best practices.


Gamification Training with Thijs de Vries and Valerie Alloix - Deborah M. Kōdō


Gamification is the use of game design and mechanisms in non-game contexts and is a hot topic in many fields. When people are rewarded for user activity they tend to stay interested in your product or story. The creative industry is slowly embracing this movement. Enroll for the training and 'gamify' two interesting cases. Case one will be about reducing child obesity and the second case will be about releasing tension at work.


Find out more about when the next training will be and all other information, here.