Craig Newmark

Founder and Customer Service Representive, craigslist (United States)

Craig is a Customer Service Representative and Founder of craigslist.

He is a senior Web- oriented software engineer, with around thirty years of experience, including 17 years at IBM, and has learned a lot about online community and customer service as customer service rep and founder of over the past ten years. He has extensive experience in evangelising the Internet, leading and building, including efforts at Bank of America and Charles Schwab. In 1995, he launched craigslist, which serves as a non-commercial community service with classifieds and discussion forums. craigslist focuses on helping people with basic needs, starting with housing and jobs, with a pervasive culture of trust. Craig is also involved with a number of community efforts, particularly promoting Middle East peace and new forms of media involving participatory journalism and blogging.

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  • Craig Newmark