Martha F. Endika


Martha F. Endika -

Martha F. Endika is currently doing her Master's Food Biotechnology and Biorefining at Wageningen University. Part of her research is focussing on making tempeh from lupine beans and studying its B12 qualities. She studies the fermentation process trying to find the right mixed culture of fungi-bacteria.

Awardee LPDP PK-30. The problem of the declining food production in contrast to the increasing growth in the population of people has been one of Endika's main concerns. She wonders how she can make some contributions towards ensuring the food security in the near futurey. Another reason that motivated her to study food technology is the biodiversity of micro-organisms, the variety of enzymes that can be found in traditional fermented foods and the agricultural commodities, which still need to be studied more intensively because of their high potential benefits.

Contact informatie

  • Martha Florencia Endika