Mediamatic Post CS
Workshop Interactieve Vertellers
10mrt 200512mrt 2005In interactieve omgevingen komen verhalen op een andere manier tot stand dan in lineaire situaties: de gebruiker speelt een actieve rol.
Workshop Archive Mediamatic Post CS
Workshop Verhalensites
17mrt 200518mrt 2005Iedereen heeft verhalen. Verhalen zijn behalve dragers van informatie ook dragers van identiteit, sfeer en cultuur.
Rocket Clip Festival: Old music, New films
19dec 2004Meer dan 20 nieuwe videoclips op de bestaande muziek van Jack the Ripper en Demolition Man.
Het Pad™
23dec 20042jan 2005Su Me Productions presenteert een winterboswandeling in Amsterdam. Maar dan binnen, in een zolderkamer.
Oude Kerk, 11
21dec 200423dec 2004A festival of light during dark days, illuminating the relation between light, art and technology. Apparently, Yule means light in some languages, and wheel or circle in others. Seemingly perpetual.
23dec 2004Movements: A concert by Steve Wishart, and the Solo & Duet Reasearch shown.
ROrschach, Instant Music en Jumbo Dollars
12jan 2005in een driedubbel concert van WORM.
Academy. Teaching Art, Learning Art
22jan 20053apr 2005What is the situation of instructors and students at art institutes?
Haus der Kulturen der Welt
4feb 200512feb 2005basics transmediale.05 International Media Art Festival Berlin club transmediale.05 international festival for electronic music and related visual arts.
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
No Content: de anti-anti- kunst van Jodi
16dec 2004Lezing door Josephine Bosma
Willy Hartman
Mediamatic Interactive Film Labs
Workshops on interactive databased storytelling
In the Interactive / Databased Film Labs participants develop prototypes of online interactive film-, TV- or radio projects, using the Korsakow System, an elegant databased film editing tool. In five...
Ino Paap
Ino is bij Mediamatic Lab interactie-ontwerper en projectleider. Hij is sinds 2004 partner en verantwoordelijk voor proces- en projectmanagment. Hij ontwerpt eenvoudige gebruikspatronen zodat zoveel...
the Korsakow System in the Press
Here you can find out what the rest of the world has been writing about the Korsakow System.
Mediamatic Workshops
We ontwerpen en organiseren workshops over het culturele gebruik van interactieve (media) technologie. Onze workshops combineren effectieve praktische training met scherpe technologische diepgang.
Mediamatic Magazine 7#1
winter 1992
The 1/O issue: Hardware Software Wetware In het digitale tijdperk is de mens volgens Bilwet niet langer individu, subject of ego, maar wetware, een 'natte hobbezak' die aan de machine hangt.
Edo Paulus
Ruben van Leer
Vote On Yourself!
Cozy Togetherness (gezelligheid!)
Fabienne Serriere
can i take it apart please?
★ hardware hacker ★
Niels Schrader
Niels Schrader is an Amsterdam-based graphic designer, born in Caracas, Venezuela. His design concept is based on a ‘dialogue principle’ which translates information from one ‘state of aggregation’...
Olivier Otten
Olivier Otten has been working as an independent multimedia designer since 1999. In 2003 during his studies at the Sandberg Institute (Amsterdam) he started working with online interactive video. He...
Zoot Derks
Master Artistic Research UvA
Zoot invites you 19 feb and 01 march 2009 to the exhibition in W139 "The Best of both Worlds" Zoot Derks Joa Hug Zbigniew Maciak Imke Ruigrok Vital Stahievitc 19 th february 20.00 OPENING with...
Wilfried Hou Je Bek
writer and psycho-geographer.
From Wilfried's V2 profile: Wilfried Hou Je Bek uses algorithms to design psycho-geographic walks through cities and other areas. The geographic and psychological output is visualized with the help...
Dirk van Oosterbosch
Interaction designer who likes complex systems a little too much. Madness is just a level of complexity beyond your current grasp.
Dirk does the interface and interaction design for Fritzing , a software to help designers make their electronic circuits. When in Berlin, Dirk works from the office of IxDS , Interaction Design...