Maria Bacila

Mechanical Shit

Wim Delvoye's Cloaca

Massive structures made out of steel glass and rubber mechanically digesting cafeteria leftovers acting as automated guts.


Wim Delvoye: Cloaca Nº 5, 2006 - mixed media, 303 x 79 x 333m Wim Delvoye: Cloaca Nº 5, 14.01,2009-14.02.2009, Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal Image curtesy of the artist's website.


Wim Delvoye builds these automated sculptures called Cloaca, that are all variations on the same concept. The end product is machine produced feces, which are then vacuum-sealed.

‘I wanted to make something that is absurdly unnecessary…I don’t think this biologically correct machine belongs in a science museum. I don’t have that ego. I’m not helping sick people. I’m practically useless in society’ the Belgian artist explains.

Take a look at all the Cloaca installations here.