Office Covid-19 Regulations


Office Corona Floorplan february 2022 - Where do I sit? Sacha Knežević


  1. Sanitise your hands regularly, Sneeze and cough in your elbow, dispose of napkins immediately after use.
  2. Stick to your allocated desk spot in the office, do not switch.
  3. Do not exceed the set number of people in any of the meeting spaces. 
  4. Keep 1.5m distance at all times, if you cannot keep 1.5 distance wear a facemask.
  5. It is not necessary to wear a facemask in meeting rooms with ventilation installed. Use the ventilation system and adapt the fans to the number of people in the space. 
  6. No communal lunch, bring your own lunch, keep 1.5m distance when eating your lunch.
  7. Please sanitise any material that is for communal usage before using. Sanitise a communal meeting space before use, e.g. spray the table and armchair handles and wipe with paper towels. Keep your desk tidy/empty so the cleaner can clean the desks.
  8. Rapid flow tests are available for anyone who wishes to work in the biotoop. You can take them home and test before you come into the biotoop. It is not necessary to test every day. We suggest testing twice a week; before coming in after your weekend and before any public-facing events.
  9. Respect each other's boundaries, let your colleagues know when you're uncomfortable and remind each other of the regulations. Help one and other to stay safe!


When Experiencing Symptoms

  1. If you feel ill and are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, inform Jans, go/stay home and book a PCR test.
  2. If you have been in sustained contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please inform Jans immediately and go/stay home and book a PCR test.
  3. If you have a positive Rapid Flow test-result, inform Jans, go/stay home and book a PCR test.
  4. Work from home until you receive a negative test-result.
  5. Inform Jans about your PCR test-result so we can take immediate action to keep the rest of the team safe.


Working From Home 

  1. When working from home it's mandatory to join the 'Online Checkin' at 9.30am
  2. If you're working at home, put your location as ‘Working from Home’ in Google Calendar (in the top row under your name).
  3. Discuss with your colleagues if you are needed in the office, interns are free to work from home if they can.


Biotoop Spaces

  1. Not more than 6 people at the big meeting table in the office (Jans’ desk)
  2. Not more than 18 people working in the 1st floor Office (including Jans and Willem)
  3. Not more than 4 people in the Straatkamer
  4. No working in the Haeckelkamer 
  5. Not more than 2 people in the Treinkamer 
  6. No working in Tuinkamer
  7. No more than 3 people in the Project space
  8. No more than 2 person in the Graphic space
  9. No more than 4 people in the Aquaponics Greenhouse
  10. No more than 4 people in the Clean Lab
  11. No more than 4 people in the Aroma Lab