Staff lunches are a really important part of Mediamatic. We are a special mix of art institute and restaurant. This means that we have a unique chance to provide home cooked staff lunch for our team. As an intern you are asked to spend 20% of your internship supporting the organisation - making staff lunch is one part of this. It might feel like a big task, but think of it like this: with staff lunch we celebrate the fact that we come together once a day around one table, we use what we grow here at Biotoop, we share our diverse food cultures with each other, and of course that we make each other happy with a warm, hearty lunch every day.
Day before
Day of
Staff Lunch How-To
You've been scheduled for the lunch/cleaning shift, and you might be a bit nervous cooking for a lot of people. No worries - we got you! On this page you can find everything you need to know to...
Staff Lunch recipes
All those recipes can be made in one big pot on the stove, in 1 hour ca. Quantities refer to 20 people preparations. The preparation is always similar: olive oil + onions, garlic + main ingredient +...
How to cook basic grains
Amounts As a rule of thumb, you can use around 80g dry grains per person Cooking instructions for some grains Rice 1 unit rice – 1.5 unit water (e.g. 1kg rice, 1,5 liter water) Cook it for 10...
Ordering Staff Lunch
Ordering staff lunch To keep the bellies full and the staff happy, food is needed. This task is as simple as it sounds. On this page you’ll get a step by step walkthrough on how to do this simple...