Tom Verco

Winter/Spring to do list

Beginning of winter:

- Clean gutters and check for leaks in aquaponics, barn, aroma lab and restaurant (you can walk on the gutters of the greenhouse if you're careful)

- Remove and store tables and umbrellas outside of aquaponics

- Remove chairs from small greenhouses and place small heckle signs on tables (to avoid smokers and sleepers vandalising them during the colder months)

- Check and adjust security lights on main building and barn (they're switched opposite to the party lights)


Beginning of Spring

- Conduct site inspection for rust, mold, wood rot and paint peeling and create restoration plan

- Trim hedges, bushes and vines (ensure all signage is clear)

- Repair, sand, oil and replace tables as well as umbrellas outside aquaponics

- Replace chairs in small greenhouses and repair doors, windows and lights (see knowledge page for info on lights/power)



Winter @ Mediamatic -