Irem Biter

Adding Articles for the Architecture Section in a/Artist Page


Adding Articles for the Architecture Section in a/Artist Page -

To add an article that you have already written in a Word document, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile icon at the top right.
  2. Select "+Article".
  3. Enter your article title.
  4. Click "Save". This will create a blank page with your title.
  5. Click "Admin" to access the editing interface.
  6. Write your introduction and main content.
  7. When adding media, be sure to provide explanations and credit in the image section. You can find detailed information here.
  8. Add your references at the end. (if you want to see some examples, you can check here).
  9. After you finish everything, click "Save and View".
  10. Then, go to the Architecture section and click "Admin", located under the title "Architecture and Well-being".
  11. Add your article to the "Contents" section and save:)