
Espace Karim Frances

Contemporary Art Gallery

In 1995, to fill the gap in the contemporary art scene in Egypt, Karim Francis Art Gallery was opened. Located within a pedestrian area of downtown Cairo, the gallery is a unique venue where more than 150 paintings and sculptures are exhibited.


Sculpture by Hisham El Zeiny - Hisham El Zeiny's work is part of the Collection of Karim Francis. Image taken from their website

The contemporary art scene in Egypt draws upon a unique body of pictorial and sculptural traditions while incorporating a variety of new mediums, including video art, sound and sculpture installation. This new diversity of mediums allows Egyptian artists to express their traditional roots along with their contemporary realities and the world-at-large. In turn, a new sense of artistic and cultural identity is emerging from the Egyptian art world.

Contact informatie

  • Espace Karim Frances
  • 1, El Sherifein St
  • Cairo
  • EG