

Voor potten en flikkers


De Trut logo - Source: Jan Hoek

The non-commercial dike and faggot disco de Trut has been founded in the early eighties. The founders were all in some way committed to the gay struggle and furthermore felt themselves part of the squatting scene. They realized however that living as dike or faggot and squatting were not always as closely linkable. In the same period the squad disco Flux was started in the Tetterode squad on the Bilderdijkstraat. However being a squad disco a lot of the regulars were dikes and faggots.

Soon the need for a dedicated space for dikes and faggots became apparent. We wanted our own place together as dikes and faggots to dance and be ourselves in an environment where the dike and faggot culture was dominant. The Flux volunteers were all for the idea of a dike and faggot disco and offered the space and the inventory of the Flux for this new initiative. In December 1985 de Trut was a fact. After some time the Flux seized to exist and the Trut continued as a non-commercial dike and faggot disco.

Profit has never been the main goal of the Trut. A good atmosphere, good music, affordable prices and a safe environment to let your hair down as dike or gay (together) has always been first and foremost from the start till the present. But due to all employees work on a voluntary basis and the costs are relatively low a nice profit can be made. This profit must be totally used to the benefit of small-scale dike and faggot activities according to the statuary rules of the Trut.

Without advertising and due to low drink prices the Trut’s popularity was instant and continues till this day. The disco is operated by a group of approximately twenty volunteers who not only take care that the Sunday evening is nice and comfortable but also all other tasks that need to be done for a company as the Trut. Drinks have to be ordered, technical maintenance has to be done, new volunteers have to be found and “hired”, administrative tasks have to be done, special events have to be organized and last but not least the profit has to be controlled and spend on good causes by a commission of five. As mentioned before due to the Trut’s low costs and popularity a considerable fund has been formed to spend on good causes.

Contact informatie

  • Bilderdijkstraat 165-E
  • 1053 KP
  • Amsterdam
  • NL