Ivo Bol


I am a composer and sound artist from Amsterdam, I specialize in music for performance, film, theatre and new media. I studied history long time ago and I finished a Sonology course at the Royal Conservatory in Den Haag, and I have participated in workshops at STEIM, Dogtroep and with Han Bennink / Magpie Dance Music Company. I worked with theatre makers, choreographers, filmmakers and visual artists such as Kenzo Kusuda, Martin Butler, Ivana Muller, Maria Ines Villasmil, Matija Ferlin, Pere Gay I Faura, Jose Navas/FLAK and the Guangdong Modern Dance Company. I perform with a live setup manipulating sounds with game controllers. I have worked and performed throughout Europe, in China, the United States and Venezuela.

Contact informatie

  • Ivo Bol
  • Pesthuislaan 68
  • 1054 RL
  • Amsterdam
  • NL