Lies van Roessel

From 2008 I have worked as a researcher into design processes of interactive products at the HKU (Utrecht School of the Arts), faculty of Art, Media and Technology. At this school I also teach research skills to first-year Game & Interaction Design students.

In 2005 I finished the master’s program New Media and Digital Culture at Utrecht University. During this master’s, I did an internship at Waag Society, where I contributed to the educational game MonsterMedia – a game teaching media education to children in the highest classes of primary school.

After that I enrolled in a research master: Media Studies. In this program I started specializing in computer games, of which two courses at IT University of Copenhagen and a master’s thesis about Computer Game Literacy Education were a substantial part.

In the next years I hope to further conduct my research into design processes, especially the design processes of serious games.


Contact informatie

  • Lies van Roessel