Maurice Mikkers

1st year I/M/D

About Me:

Maurice Mikkers was born in Apeldoorn on 3 may 1986.

After finishing his high school in 2003, it was natural for Maurice to follow his nurturing ways into his career path. His goal was to help people through laboratory research, so naturally he studied (in Utrecht) to become an official Medical Laboratory Analyst. After four years of studying, he graduated and started an internship for a year at the; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM). Which soon after he started working for.

But after some time his work got in kind of rut, which made him decide on a different career path. Maurice always had a passion for creativity both computer wise as photography wise. And this brought him to take a completely different turn career wise! After a short time of investigating the broad range of studies containing all aspects of web design, design, digital interactivity, photography, the study "Interactive media and design (I/M/D) at the Royal Academy Of Art in The Hague." which really grabbed his attention. To turn his passion into his work, it was only natural for Maurice to pursue this study at the Royal Academy of Art. Next to successfully pursuing his study, Maurice works as a freelance photographer.

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