Exploring new concepts, trends and uses. Like crossing ideas to create new ones.

Hello! I work for the Orange-ftgroup in France. My job is to imagine new products and services and find new business fields for the Strategic Marketing Division in the "explocentre" (for exploration center). So I'm an "Explorer" of new concepts and ideas :).
Put together marketing guys, design talents, sociologists, ingenieers... Put trends studies and creativity sessions in the shaker, put a lot (lot!) of customers feedbacks, and then shake it... You get a very smart project and 12 months to achieve it !

Keywords :

understanding trends and customers - marketing
new medias and technologies

And... Absolutly geek :)

more : http://www.linkedin.com/in/damiendouani

My background : 5 years in R&D/"Creative Studio", 1 year in ExploCentre... And all the time into innovation, creativity, new ideas, new concepts, design, and tech.

Today : Concept & Business Development Manager at Orange / explocentre

Finding new business fields by "imagineering" advanced concepts and services. Using new methodologies.

Main topic :
- New web communities tools : Myspace, Typepad, Cyworld...like

Past : Project Manager at France Telecom R&D / Creative Studio (www.studio-creatif.com)

Advanced concepts design department in R&D, that crosses uses, design, marketing and trends to imagine new products and services and prototype them.

Main topics :
- Cyworld
- Cross media concepts and services
- Mobile uses and futurology : TV, contactless, new designs, mobile as a personal gateway
- New web and e-commerce services
- Big companies, SMEs and B2C next trends

Contact informatie

  • Damien DOUANI