Sandra Karis

(Social) Interaction Designer, MA


me - I'm an Interaction Designer and working for Ministry of Media and Veldsvorm in Amsterdam.

I'm an Interaction Designer and Creative Concept Developer with a Master of Arts degree in Interactive Multimedia with a background in Graphic and Multimedia Design. Currently I am expanding my portfolio as a freelancer: Puursan.

In 2007 I developed a project for Museum de Beyerd (Dutch Graphic Design Museum) called 'Straatbeeld' (Images of the Street) a teaching method for children in the age of 10-12 about the influence of Graphic Design in their everyday lives. This project was nominated for the Europrix Top Talent Award '08 in the category 'offline projects / interactive DVD's'.

I founded 'Hello My Name is E' during my MA graduation year in 2007, with my teammates Arjen Sondag, Paul Geurts and Renato Valdes Olmos.

From September 2007 until March 2008 I attended the Masterclass program Foam_lab at FOAM, the Photography Museum in Amsterdam. I organized events for Foam and was responsible for including 'new media' into the Foam_lab experience. Our first Foam_lab experience was launched at the Museumn8 2007.

In 2008 and 2009 I have been working on several on- and offline projects with Veldsvorm, Ministry of Media and Cherryblossom Interactive. Clients include Telegraaf Media Groep, ING, Canon, Bayer Healthcare, All Options, Global Collect, and Kunstfort Asperen.