Tracking our World

25 sep 2008

The city of the future will be an experiment in new social forms, based on real-time information and feedback. What information processes do cities generate? What patterns do citizens form?


The Central Nervous System for the Earth is based on the belief that nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionise human interaction with the Earth as profoundly as the Internet has revolutionised personal and business interaction.
STAN WILLIAMS, HP senior fellow; director, HP Information and Quantum Systems Lab

Stan Williams at PICNIC08: Tracking our World from PICNICCrossmediaweek on Vimeo.

The Visible City
What if we could view an entire city from above, as if from an airplane – and see not only the buildings and squares but also all the human beings populating
it, outdoors and indoors?
EURO BEINAT, professor of location awareness at Salzburg University, CEO of Geodan Mobile Solutions, and founder of the Senseable Future Foundation

Euro Beinat at PICNIC08: The Visible City from PICNICCrossmediaweek on Vimeo.

Eco Map
What can we do with an open source collaboration platform that enables citizens and business to see the collective results of their actions?
WOLFGANG WAGENER, Director, Sustainable Cities
Connected Urban Development, CISCO and JARED BLUMENFELD, Director, Department of the Environment, City and County of San Francisco

Wolfgang Wagener and Jared Blumenfeld at PICNIC08: Eco Map from PICNICCrossmediaweek on Vimeo.