Adding to the Current Systems

Aquaponics Group Meeting #15

15 jul 2012

This past meeting we tested the water of the systems as well as added a bit of phosphoric acid. We also built a new tap for the pebble washing system in order to more effectively rinse the clay pebbles. The tap conserves water and allows the pebbles to soak longer. Finally, we sprayed the plants with a mixture of molasses, water, and a small amount of soap to prevent and kill pests.


Hydrokorrels spoelen - Bij de aquaponics workshop in Mediamatic FABRIEK. A couple of Mediamatic Boers washing clay pebbles for our workshop. Bij de aquaponics workshop in Mediamatic FABRIEK. Simone Schoutens

This Sunday the Aquaponics Group will have another meeting at the Van Gendthallen. At the meeting we will wash another batch of pebbles and add some to the systems to create larger dry zones for our plants.

Please RSVP if you would like to join us.