Social Network Design Camp Friday

In Partnership with Microsoft

25 sep 2009

Microsoft Social Network Design Camp: Prototype the Next Social Network
The Microsoft Social Network Design Camp challenges you to come up with the sketch that will be the start of the next big social network. And as we have advanced a bit since then, we will provide you with the latest in digital prototyping to make sure your sketch will look awesome too.

So send us your ideas on what you think the next killer app will be in social networking and we will use them in our Design Camps.

During the Social Network Design Camp small groups will work together to develop the prototypes – the best of which will be demoed to the full audience during the PICNIC Bites sessions.

Want to participate in this session? Click on the Count Me In button on the top of the page.

Please note: YOU MUST HAVE A PICNIC CONFERENCE OR FESTIVAL TICKET TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS SESSION. Clicking on Count Me In simply indicates your interest in participating. The final selection of attendees is decided by our partner for this session.


Ideas.png - Liz Keel


Social Network Design Camp Coach
Antoni Dol is Senior Designer at Macaw since 1996. He graduated as illustrator at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie of Arts in Amsterdam, studied advertising at the Rotterdam Art Academy and was freelance illustrator for three years. From 1995 onwards, he grew as a web designer with the internet en from 1996 as a designer at Macaw. He worked for companies like KPMG, NedTrain, Wolters Kluwer, Univé Insurence, Bijenkorf Department Store,The City of The Hague, Rabobank en Microsoft in the Netherlands. Recently Antoni wrote the “Handboek XAML”, a book for students about eXtensible Application Markup Language in Dutch. Learn more about Antoni Dol.

Social Network Design Camp Tools
Sketching and prototyping are proven techniques that enable you to explore ideas and concepts quickly without excessive investment in either time or resources.

This Design Camp uses Microsoft SketchFlow that enables you to quickly and efficiently demonstrate your vision for your social network application. It provides an informal and quick way to explore, iterate and prototype user interface scenarios, allowing you to evolve your concepts from a series of rough ideas into a living and breathing prototype that can be made as real as you want.