Let's make something about swapping

SwapUp workshop: Make

15 dec 2012

Let's say the days of the lonely designer are over. Instead we make a new model of design by working together. During the workshop "Make," you found out how swapping can be a method for producing visual material in 2 and 3 dimensional spaces.


Flyer voor SwapUpShop - Workshop: Make

Workshop Make

As a collective we used swapping as a method to re-shape the space of the SwapUpShop at Ruilen. We invented our own rules for interaction to see where these took us. Using basic/tactile materials (like tape or fabrics) and objects found on the spot, you created a visual identity which is open, in flux and to be manipulated by everybody.

The result became part of the exhibition and set the stage for the final SwapUp food event on January 6.


This workshop was part of the program of SwapUpShop. Working together with actors, designers, children, artists and thinkers, the SwapUpShop workshops tackled issues questioning the visual representation of value, the playful dimensions and the performative potential of the swapping act. The SwapUpShop ended with a dinner party, merging eating and swapping together as 'critical cuisine'.

More information

The workshop took place on December 14, from 14.00 to 17.00 at Mediamatic Fabriek. Participation was free and snacks and drinks will be taken care of.

SwapUpShop was part of Ruilen, an exhibition and series of events about swapping, from October 20 to January 6. Entrance was free for members. You could get a membership, which gave you free entrance for a month, by doing a chore like an hour of barkeeping or half an hour of vacuum cleaning. Otherwise it was € 5,-. Kids half price.