Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#1 Dietmar Dath 1 jan 1994 Jackson Holbrook Jackson, The Anatomy of Bibliomania, Faber & Faber, London 1930 What a magnificent piece of mental distortion, achieved by playing antisound from within and without.
1 jan 2003 Dietmar Dath writer Dietmar Dath, born 1970, is a freelancer/journalist/hack, poet & novelist, living and working in Freiburg, Germany.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 8#2/3 Dietmar Dath 1 jan 1995 Distinction Renouncing Movement AmbiEntity versus… Het sociale (niet het 'culturele') verschil tussen de 'conditie van kamermuziek' en de 'conditie van muzak' zal in de komende jaren steeds belangrijker worden.