Margarita Osipian

People in the StoryStore

What did you get from the Pièce de Résistance StoryStore?

In this ongoing series, we will look at what visitors to our exhibition got from the StoryStore when they exchanged their story and hidden object for the story and object a previous visitor left behind.

The stories composed in the StoryStore will constantly be changing and will be taken home by visitors. To not lose these stories forever, we'll also be digitally archiving them and posting the best ones here!


Thom and his new story and object - ikCam picture taken at Pièce de Résistance , Mediamatic Bank.

The first participant in this series is Thom, who came to our exhibition on the 7th of June. He wrote a story and made a corresponding object in our StoryStore workshop. Then he was able to read through the stories left behind by others and pick the one he liked most.

Upon further inquiry, Thom said he was very happy with his choice and really liked his new object.

Come to the exhibition and maybe you will get the secret object that Thom has hidden away in one of the StoryStore boxes!

Find out more about the StoryStore here.