Law, life, and technology in the world of Psycho
The story of the popular anime Psycho-pass revolves around an AI-based legal and bureaucratic system named Sybil. Even though it is believed to be a perfect system free of human error, throughout the...
Moshé Zwarts
Architect 1937 – 2019
Moshé (Bonnie) Zwarts was an architect and a professor at the Netherlands most prominent technical universties. Together with Rein Jansma, he founded Zwarts en Jansma Architecten (ZJA) in 1990. On...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Kunstenaars Tour: 'All Senses Operative'
12mrt 2023Mediamatic biedt exclusieve rondleidingen aan door Gerald Van Der Kaap tijdens zijn tentoonstelling ‘ All Senses Operative ’. Pionier Gerald Van Der Kaap nodigt je naar binnen in twee van zijn...
Cecilia Casabona
Cecilia Casabona is a an interdisciplinary research designer. Her practice focuses on collective strategies of thinking and “doing otherwise” with a particular interest around the notion of...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Grieving, Healing, Laughing
23feb 2023Ons leven is bij uitstek gevuld met tijden van verdriet, pijn en verlies. De volgende drie kunstenaars stellen verschillende manieren voor om deze gevoelens te verwerken. Hoe genezen we na een...
All Senses Operative
11dec 202226mrt 2023In ' All Senses Operative' presenteert Mediamatic het eerste voorbeeld van CD-ROMkunst 'BlindRom v0.9, the Prototype'. In 1993 werd BlindRom ontworpen en geproduceerd door Gerald van Der Kaap als...
Ginevra Petrozzi
Interdisciplinary designer & artist
How do we experience the loss of our Data? How can we say goodbye to loved ones' stream of media, and devices that they leave behind? How we one disentangle ourselves from our data when we die?
We grew a new project nursery: Penny for your…
Project Nursery
There is something uniquely inspiring when looking into artistic processes that are still in progress: unpolished, experimental, and open-ended. Penny for your Thoughts is our project nursery
Sieta van Horck
Proposal by: Simon Niedenthal
Creative Reinterpretations
Project proposal: Scents & Computers
Scented interactive media like the web games of DigiScents, Inc. have largely vanished from the internet despite archival efforts of the time, only leaving behind hints at what these experiences...
Proposal by: Margherita Soldati
A human microplastography
Project proposal: Finding microplastics in the human body
How do microplastic particles alter the human landscape by travelling through it? An abstract raised-relief 3dimensional map showing the traces and impact microplastic has on the human scape
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Pleun van Dijk
Objects of Desire
6nov 2021Can algorithms morph our sexual sensitivity? Objects of Desire by Pleun van Dijk investigates the increasingly intimate relationship between human and technology. A series of selected images...
Riolering, technologie en de zintuigen
Het rioolnetwerk onttrok niet alleen onze poep en plas aan de zintuigen, maar ook de techniek die dat mogelijk maakte. In muren en onder de grond bepaalde het de ervaring van de stad en het...
Het riool als politieke infrastructuur
Wat kan het riool ons leren over het functioneren van de moderne democratie? En over de rol van techniek en infrastructuur in politiek bedrijven? Riolering is niet neutraal, maar politiek actief: het...
How can our Experience of Intimacy be changed by…
Throughout the Covid19 lockdown, there has been a 47% increase in the use of the internet as the world has turned to technology to connect with loved ones. This has made the research of Lancel/Maat...
Oosterdok Gökçe Baykan, Gabrielle de Haseth
Haeckel Hunt
"Catch’em all around Oosterdok!" Remastered
Maybe you have already come across the mysterious signs popping all around the Oosterdok region and wondered what they are.
Exploring erobotics, digisexualities and the future of sex
The study of e robotics and digisexuality explores the intersections between sexuality and technology and how tech is evolving our understanding of t ouch, intimacy and sex.
A strippers solution
The shady and old-fashioned atmosphere of a strip club attaches a stigma to the role of the stripper. The disregard towards the work is wrapped up in the stench of cigarettes and stale beer that...
Agne Buciunaite
Aroma Lab Assistant
My name is Agne! In the beautiful city of Amsterdam I am working on various projects in Aroma Lab
Isolation PORN
Sex, self-pleasure and fetish in isolation
How has being stuck at home forced you to innovate? Are you finally writing that novel, baking that perfect loaf of banana bread, attending your 100th Zoom meeting? Have you thought about making a...
Non-profit help organisation
This is a collective of 'makers'. These makers have 3D-printers with which they make help-items for contact workers ( like nurses, doctors,...) This production is for the betterment of society, free...
Gunpowder: Fireworks and Fatality
The smell of fireworks, of the sulfur within the ignited gunpowder, permeates the streets of Amsterdam as the Central European Time Zone welcomes in the new year. Illegal for the public’s usage at...
2019 Willem Velthoven
Better 36,000 cyclists with AirPods than 1 deaf…
Update: Ok, 22 cyclists on e-bikes if you're more strict about it.
I was worried about my recent purchase of a set of wireless earbuds. The news tells me it was a bad idea to buy Apple's new gadget. Airpods are evil because they are hard to recycle and even harder...
Mocca Amsterdam
Mocca Amsterdam verbindt kinderen en cultuur door het organiseren van speciale programma's en onderwijsmodules voor kunstdocenten en door samenwerkingsprojecten met musea en culturele instellingen...