Informatieziekten #2: Straling

Everything goes wireless nowadays. To what extent does all this wireless technology affect our wellbeing?

The mobile phone is here to stay. A wireless network is already available in most households and a cordless phone is somewhat easier than with a wired one. And then all these communication masts in the neighborhood? All these wireless devices make use of radiation and that raises questions. To what extent does all this wireless technology affect our wellbeing? Radiation is a controversial topic. It is also called the modern asbestos. Time to take a good look about it.

During this evening we will discuss radiation from different perspectives. Raymond Lescrauwaet (De Woonbioloog, Group4Wellness) is the specialist in the field of healthy living and working environments. He will tell us what radiation is and how it affects us. He will show us how to measure radiation in our environment ourselves. Imar de Vries of Utrecht University will explain to us why we communicate wirelessly with each other and why we take the possible risks for granted. The artists Ursula Lavrenčič and Auke Touwslagers speak about their artwork "Cellphone Disco". This artwork translates the GSM radiation to visible light, so we can see what the radiation does.


straling.png - SETUP Utrecht