Law, life, and technology in the world of Psycho
The story of the popular anime Psycho-pass revolves around an AI-based legal and bureaucratic system named Sybil. Even though it is believed to be a perfect system free of human error, throughout the...
Proposal by: Natascha Nanji
Welcome to Studio Swan
Project proposal: An interpersonal, speculative fiction proposition
Welcome to Studio Swan is a speculative proposition that asks what conditions would be appropriate for us to temporarily become with plant or animal? And why would this be something desirable or...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Isabel Burr Raty
Finissage Beauty Kit Female Farm 0.3
18aug 2019The Beauty Kit Female Farm 0.3 is a long durational body art performance happening in the Sluisdeurenloods at Mediamatic Amsterdam. Together with a group of facilitators, Isabel Burr Raty will mentor...
Waag Society
15sep 2014Join us for the next TA3M! A jam-packed evening with presentations on internet governance, gamma leaks and the secret service.
Slangenpand 8 apr 2014
TA3M April
21apr 2014You are invited to join Techno-Activism Third Mondays! TA3M is an informal meetup for techno-activists, hacktivists and anyone interested in free and open technology. The event takes place in...
Post-Doc research in nuclear stuff. Love engines and I travelled overland from Italy to Japan with my motorbike through Mongolia russia uzbekistan ...
Megan Hoogenboom
Megan, 23, Rotterdamse. Master in Networked Media en Bachelor in Grafisch Ontwerpen.
Developer, trainer, writer. Take your pick.
Saskia Groenewegen
I have a background in computer science, virtual and augmented reality.
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS
WikiLeaks. Alles wat je niet mocht weten
16mrt 2011Het verhaal van WikiLeaks als spionagethriller, uitgebracht door Prometheus. Klöpping is de eerste Nederlandse auteur die zich waagt aan een boek over de klokkenluiderssite. Benieuwd naar het verhaal...
Davis Museum
Artis Planetarium
20nov 2010A live radio transmission performance between the earth and the moon. Daniela de Paulis will send images and sound files to the moon. They'll bounce off the moon and come back to earth.
Alberto "Aleph" Fabiano
cyberpunk - embedded geek
I'm a enthusiast technological, science nerd, really one Geek. Work with systems engineering in the fields of embedded systems, telematics or high-performance computing, with expertise in telecom and...
Yrjänä Rankka
Musician & hacker since the mainframe era. Currently a developer at OpenLink Software.
daniela llanos
"hoog in mijn schedel waar speelt woest het orkest van mijn obsessies"
Mediamatic Bank in Duintjer CS Arjan Scherpenisse
29nov 200830nov 2008The MobileDevCamp, already in its second installment, brought techies from all over the country (and even from the UK and Finland!) together to teach them about the latest developments in mobile...
Edwin Mons
Hacking At Random 2009
13aug 200916aug 2009Since 1989 the international community that builds the internet has been getting together on a series of conferences to discuss the state of contemporary technology, the future of it and the...
MobileDevCamp report
A weekend of mobile hacking
The MobileDevCamp, already in its second installment, brought techies from all over the country (and even from the UK and Finland!) together to teach them about the latest developments in mobile...
Stefan Hoevenaar
MD @ Zapaday / Innovator @ ILUMY
Floor Remmelzwaal
IT change programme project innovation manager
Choreography Artist
João Evangelista
devised performance for after the end of the world
works since 1998 in the areas of Performance Art, Stage Design and Choreography