Afbeelding: Amy Egerdeen
Ecovative Sample Materials
Sample molds and packaging materials on the shelves at Ecovative.
Amy is an artist and social worker living in Toronto, Canada.
Sample molds and packaging materials on the shelves at Ecovative.
Eben showing us the new factory space that Ecovative is moving its production to.
This is the machine that cleans and pasteurizes the agricultural waste products when they come in.
The holding racks where the mycelium grows into agriculture waste inside the mold.
Eben Bay, the CEO of Ecovative, holding up a myco-material mold used to make packaging for DELL computers.
These bio-degradable boxes were grown out of mycelium roots and agricultural waste, with a cute mushroom molded into the side. These bio-degradable boxes were grown out of mycelium roots and...