book: Aram Bartholl

Aram Bartholl

The Speed Book

The first comprehensive monograph of Aram Bartholl's projects.


Aram Bartholl - The Speed Book

Aram Bartholl. The Speed Book is the first comprehensive monograph of Bartholl's projects. The artist calls in question the idea of the artwork, mixing it with contemporary pop culture. His work is a smart critique of the digital world through public projects that bring elements typical of the internet culture and video-gaming (which everyone knows and can easily understand) out of their classic boundaries, straight into our lives and our cities.

Besides the great work of Bartholl, the book is a really nice, well designed publication that shows how it can be possible to realize a valuable and modern editorial product using infamous typefaces like Arial, Courier and Times. Perfectly in line with the work of the author.
You can order the book here