Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Unnützer, Petra 1 jan 1988
Bill Viola at the Moma
After three years of preparation, New York's Museum of modern art presented an exhibition of installations and videos by Bill Viola in October of last year.
It was the museum's first major retrospective show of work by a video artist. BARBARA LONDON, the exhibition's curator, only had half of the INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL GALLERY at her disposal, the space...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Vera Galactica 1 jan 1988
Moskva 1987
The city is impressive, but has no imperial aura.
It looks even more severe without the posters; no longer provincial, just bureaucratic - as it was at the turn of the century. Moscow, a travel report. The feelings of sympathy evoked by perestroika...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Gerard Lakke 1 jan 1988
De Umbris Idearum
Stansfield Hooykaas’ Museum of Memory
From the Museum of Memory , the cycle of video installations by ELSA STANSFIELD and MADELON HOOYKAAS consists at present of six installations, some of which have been realized a number of times (see...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Eric de Moffarts 1 jan 1988
A la Recherche d’un certain Grey
The Belgian artist Jacques-Louis Nyst (1942) presented his most recent video production L'Image and his Pyramides installation during the 2e Semaine Internationale de Video in Geneva.
One of the two seminar days that took place during the week on the theme of Video and Writing was dedicated to him.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Paul Groot 1 jan 1988
Rabotnik TV
After a number of test cablecasts, this summer radio rabotnik tv began its weekly video/art magazine on Amsterdam's cable network.
The news-reel format program appears every Wednesday on channel 4 and is repeated each hour between 4pm and 12pm. Rabotnik tv is the continuation of the pirate TV-station PKP/Rabotnik. It is one of...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Willem Velthoven 1 jan 1988
La Vidéothèque de Paris
Multi-Channel Video Juke-Box
On February 1, Jacques Chirac opened the videotheque de Paris, a prestigious showpiece of French media politics, an on-line audio-visual city reference archive, a brilliant machine for presenting...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Raf Custer 1 jan 1988
Four video installations will be touring the cultural centers of Flanders until mid-June.
These video installations were selected from a few dozen commissioned projects - and partly financed - by the federation of these centers (FEVECC). 4x25/ sec is an unmistakable breakthrough in an...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#3 Roberto Fischer 1 jan 1988
2e Semaine Internationale de Video - Geneve
The need for video art to find selling points beyond the galleries and museums has again brought it to television where, however, it has lost much of its experimental passion.
The latest video productions, as seen in the 2e Semaine Internationale de Video (Geneva, October 1987), are surrounded by a television-like aura to hot up the monitor public.