Why Oyster mushrooms?
Oyster mushrooms are delicious. You could buy them, but why not learn how grow your own? The Oyster Mushroom is one of the 'easier' mushrooms to cultivate. It grows into beautifully shaped fruit bodies and is both nutritious and delicious. This workshop explains the ins and outs of mushroom cultivation at home.
What will you do?
The workshop is lead by Antoni Gandia and takes place in Mediamatic Factory. First we will pasteurize the substrate in order to prevent moulds and contaminant bacteria growing between our mushrooms. Then, in the cleanroom, we will inoculate the substrate with mushroom spawn. Meanwhile Antoni will tell you everything about mushroom cultivation and its endless possibilities. Finally you take home your own growing bag. The mycelial network needs some time to colonize the substrate, after which it will start growing its fruits, your very own cultivated mushrooms.
In order to do contamination-free experiments with fungi and other living organisms Mediamatic built a mobile clean lab. During the workshop you will work in this semi-professional lab learning the basics of the aseptic working techniques.
13.00 - 15.00
Mediamatic Fabriek, VOC-kade 10
Tickets: €25
Please notice this workshop will be thaught in English