Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst Toekenning 026 23 sep 2005 21 okt 2005 - Twan Janssen, Femke Schaap, Charlotte Schleiffert, Aam Solleveld A series of exhibitions, only linked by the fact that they were all subsidized by Fonds BKVB and they all traveled to China not so very long ago.
Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst Toekenning 026 23 sep 2005 21 okt 2005 - Twan Janssen, Femke Schaap, Charlotte Schleiffert, Aam Solleveld A series of exhibitions, only linked by the fact that they were all subsidized by Fonds BKVB and they all traveled to China not so very long ago.