Meanwhile in Morocco...

Sunday 22nd & Monday 23rd of May: Documentary screening & panel discussion

Two activists and two journalists from Morocco will join us in discussing resistance in an Arab country that has never experienced true revolution. During two evenings we will touch upon resistance new and old. The documentary Nos Lieux Interdits deals with the 70s and 80s and will be screened on Sunday. Former political prisoner Fatna El Bouih will provide a short introduction. On Monday we'll fast-forward to the present day, and discuss Morocco's remarkable situation while enjoying a bowl of harira. Please RSVP for part 1 here and for part 2 here.


Fatna El Bouih with prison guards - El Bouih, center, flanked by prison guards during an OMP Ramadan party, Oukacha Prison, Casablanca. Protographer unknown, image found on Middle East Report

Part 1 - Sunday May 22

During the repressive reign of dictator King Hassan II many people went missing. Our Forbidden Places (Nos Lieux Interdits) depicts the stories of four Moroccan families in search of their sons. Fatna El Bouih, human rights activist and former political prisoner, survived those times and will give an introduction. She was arrested many times, tortured and kept imprisoned under harsh conditions.

Part 2 - Monday May 23

Compared to some Arab countries, Moroccan society has been fairly stable since the death of King Hassan II in 1999. However, his dictatorial rule has left the country strained, both domestically and internationally. How does a country cope with a past it's not allowed to talk about? And how does it address problems resulting from this past? The following speakers will join us in discussing these and other questions:

Ghassan El Karmouni: A young activist in the February 20 Movement and responsible for the youth program of Forum Marocain des Alternatives du Sud (FMAS).
Abderrahim Kassou: Director of the NGO Casamémoire and one of the founders of FMAS. He will talk about the importance of cultural activities when trying to build a new relationship between citizens and the public space in a country where both are problematic.
Hicham Houdaïfa: As a journalist Hicham's work focuses on human right issues, in particular on freedom of press. He will discuss the Moroccan situation.
Fatna El Bouih: Fatna will present the work of the national reconciliation program IER and the projects undertaken to reconsider the dictatorial period.

The panel discussion after the lectures will be moderated by Tarik Yousif. Tarik Yousif is a radio and television presenter, a columnist and cultural entrepreneur living in Amsterdam.
Join us for a bowl of Moroccan soup (harira).

More information

Meanwhile in Morocco... Part 1 & 2 take place at Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Both days doors open at 18.30 and the program starts at 19.00. Tickets are €5,-.

Meanwhile in Morocco... is part of the Pièce de Résistance exhibition.