Workshop Archive 1 jan 2003

report Workshop @ Dutch Film Festival

19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 November 2003

In cooperation with the Dutch Film Festival, Mediamatic organised a special workshop on interactive narration for editors.


Workshop @ Dutch Film Festival -

During the five-day workshop the participants, mostly film editors,
have created their own interactive stories using the Korsakow System as practical research tool. The result of their creativity was shown to the public during the final presentation on Friday the 26th at the festival in Utrecht.


Workshop @ Dutch Film Festival -

In this workshop the new interface for the Korsakow System was available to the participants for the first time. Instead of using stills as preview icons it is now possible to use preview movies to present the links. This opens up a whole new array of narrative and interactive possibilities as well as more ways to play with the expectations of the viewer.


participants workshop @ Dutch Film Festival -


participants workshop @ Dutch Film Festival -


workshop @ Dutch Film Festival -

Fiona Whelan’s film is a great example of the possibilities of the new interface. Working only with material from Kurosawa's film Rashomon (1950) which was provided by Mediamatic, she has made a project called The Rape. This project has a fascinating time effect and is very evocative because of the use of the new interface. It concentrates on the rape in the original film and the system enables the user to interpret this occurrence in various ways.


The Rape by Fiona Whelan - Workshop @ Dutch Film Festival

Other workshop participants, like Jurrien Rood, added their own material to the fragments of Rashomon. In his project An old piece of film you could choose between three different interpretations of the origin of the piece of film. These three interpretations were presented by Jurrien himself, in the role of an expert on old films, by Tobias, a workshop trainer, having us believe it was an old piece of film which he found on his grandfather’s attic, and by an actress. The old piece of film was a piece of Kurosawa's film Rashomon.


An Old Piece of Film by Jurrien Rood - Workshop @ Dutch Film Festival

For Mariela Cadiz Poppema the Korsakow System was a conceptual challenge. During the workshop her ideas about editing and non-linear storytelling were getting clearer. So she used the system as an educational tool. In her project Tell me the story, the user of the system becomes the editor of the film. Based upon the choice between three topics: emotion, story and rhythm the user explores the subject of editing.

All workshop participants worked with great enthusiasm, the results were great and very unique.
What will the next workshop bring?

This workshop is made possible with the support of the MEDIA PLUS PROGRAMME of the European Community, the Mondriaan Foundation and the ThuisKopie Fonds


Mediafonds, Thuis Kopie Fonds, Mondriaan Stichting -