1 jan 2003

Workshop Grenzeloos Geluid 2003

A report

From 12 to 16 June 2003, Mediamatic organised a workshop about interactive narration for TV-makers, radiomakers and sound editors in cooperation with Grenzeloos Geluid Festival, Amsterdam.


Workshop Grenzeloos Geluid -


Workshop Grenzeloos Geluid - 12 t/m 16 juni 2003

In interactive narration, the screen plays a crucial role: it is the only possible field of navigation between the many story elements. For the the question what and what not to do with the screen was a major issue in the workshop. Some used the screen only to support a sound-based story, others made fully fledged interactive movies. For the TV-makers, the focus on sound was especially interesting. The evocative possibilities of sound without image, proved to offer a fruitful approach to interactive storytelling. Actually, the process wereby a gap between the content of story elements is filled by the imagination of the user, closely resembled the process wereby image is imagined in the absence of sound.


participants at Workshop Grenzeloos Geluid - 12 t/m 16 juni 2003

The material that was used as a starting point in this workshop was the raw footage of My Maxima, a documentary on a love story between a Dutch man and an Argentinian woman. This materialwas used by half the participants. All participants made their own interactive film. As practical research tool the participants use the Korsakow System, which consists of an editing environment for nonlinear narratives, as well an an elegant presentation tool for interactive film and audio projects.


Workshop Grenzeloos Geluid - 12 t/m 16 juni 2003

The results of this workshop were presented to the festival audience on 22 of June in de Balie, Amsterdam.

This workshop is made possible with the support of the MEDIA PLUS PROGRAMME of the European Community, the Mondriaan Foundation and the ThuisKopie Fonds


Mediafonds, Thuis Kopie Fonds, Mondriaan Stichting -