Rijksakademie Beamclub #07 | Nina Yuen

27 Oca 2010
27 Oca 2010

The Rijksakademie Beamclub is a monthly night where (former) residents of this renowned international arts institute are asked to present (YouTube) videos that have some kind of relationship with their work. These videos range from obscure Japanese game shows to hilarious episodes of South Park. Anything goes. Artists that have been invited here are a.o. Hans Aarsman, Ben Cerveny, Nicoline van Harskamp, Gino Saccone and John Lonsdale.

American artist Nina Yuen (Hawaii, 1981) will kick off the first edition of 2010. Yuen, who recently finished her 2 year residency at the Rijks, was nominated for the Volkskrant beeldende kunstprijs 2009 by Ann Demeester, director of de Appel.

"I wish she had won, if only for the movie 'Sung' in which she sprays her boyfriend who is standing in a big shrubbery with the garden hose as if he was a plant. Just before he gets soaked he asks 'what is this scene about?'. Her movies are some kind of everyday genius combined with carefully orchestrated diary like images that only few can pull off. Often she acts a part in them, painting her house and creating costumes just for a few seconds of film. It's hard to pinpoint what her work is 'about', it seems perhaps more of a language onto itself, but I loved it from the start."
- Sarah van Sonsbeeck, artist and Beamclub organiser.

For more information on Nina Yuen visit her website www.ninayuen.org/ or have a look at this interview www.vk.tv/cultuur/article1200105.ece/Nina_Yuen_over_haar_videokunst for more info on her work.