Ignite Amsterdam 4

Games galore! Wednesday December 22.

Fifteen short and clever talks. Speakers get five minutes to present their idea. They make use of twenty slides that auto-advance every fifteen seconds. Flex those thumbs - tonight is all about games! Philip Vincent Fokker is our moderator. RSVP on the website.


Super Crate Box - Screenshot. Super Crate Box was made by Vlambeer.


We've selected a nice variety of game developers, journalists, hackers, artists and even an architect to talk with us about game design, artistic- and vintage games, the impact of games on society, pinball machines and playability. Join us for fifteen whirlwind talks, have a drink, and swap ideas, screen names and game hacks.

The speakers are: David Nieborg, Vlambeer, Anna Sonnemans, FourceLabs, BlewScreen, Koen Martens, Matthijs Dierckx Kuijper, Gijs Gieskes, Richard Boeser, Niki Smit (Monobanda), Dreams of Danu, Jeroen van der Heijden (Vals Plat), Kars Alfrink (Hubbub), Joost van Dongen (Ronimo Games), en Ekin Tan.


Ignite Amsterdam 4 is part of Mediamatic's latest exhibition, Arcade: an expanding collection of old and new games and installations. We kick off with a collection of rare vintage arcade video games operating alongside our newly developed interactive installations. Exhibition space meets arcade. Come play with us. The opening of Arcade will take place on December 18th.

More information

Doors open at 8pm. These fifteen five-minute talks will only set you back €7,-. Grab yourself a bargain! RSVP on our website.

(Photo: Screenshot of Super Crate Box, developed by Vlambeer.)