TINKEBELL. celebrates Lima's salvation

Sunday November 13, 16:00 - SAVE THE WORLD

We're celebrating Lima's salvation with Peruvian food and music. Over the course of three weeks TINKEBELL. and over 100 volunteers painted a bunch of houses in the slum settlement 'Rimac' in Lima. Seen from the city center, these houses together form a big pink heart. Back in The Netherlands, TINKEBELL. is throwing a party to celebrate. RSVP on the website.


TINKEBELL presents SAVE THE WORLD #1 - #4 - SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac is part of TINKEBELL.'s Save the world project: twelve interventions worldwide that explore what happens when we force our (Western) view of the world on other cultures.

SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac

The ultimate community art project: SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac addresses how artists and their work are instrumentalized by city councils to boost the image of 'bad' neighborhoods. TINKEBELL.'s project neatly checks all the boxes: 'working together', 'neighborly communication' and 'sending a positive signal to the outside world'. This is TINKEBELL.'s fourth SAVE THE WORLD intervention.


Peruvian trio Apu Inka (guitar, panflute, charango, kena, drums) will play some nice tunes, while we enjoy traditional Peruvian dishes like ceviche and pumpkin soup. TINKEBELL. of course will present her fourth intervention with the help of a few friends.

More information

SAVE the neighborhood of Rimac will take place at Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68 Amsterdam. Doors open at 15.30, the program starts at 16.00. Tickets €5.- excl. membership. This includes food, entertainment, and a contribution to TINKEBELL.'s next SAVE THE WORLD project. If you don't have a membership card yet, you can purchase one at the door for €5,-. Make sure to RSVP on the website.