Improvise! - with Hiske Versprille

December 13th, 17:30 - Over Datum Eetclub 19

Insecurity and fear effect us in these current days of economic crisis, the demise of the euro, and the prophecies about the end of the world. But insecurity provides an opportunity for creativity, says our chef Hiske Versprille. We can't always know in advance what will happen, so we'll have to improvise. The same goes for the kitchen of the Over Datum Eetclub, where we don't know what will be served until the evening itself! Come over and join us! Please RSVP.


Over Datum Peer - ODE 19 Anna Meijer


Hiske Versprille loves food and used to cook in restaurants all over London and Amsterdam. Nowadays she is a journalist, but never gave up her passion for food and cooking, writing about it on her blog. Escaping the written word for one more night, she will dive back into the kitchen at our Over Datum Eetclub. If you love her food as much as we know you will, then you can get a second helping on the 17th of December when she'll be cooking a big benefit dinner for on-line magazine Hard Hoofd.


We ask you to bring a least one expired product yourself. Ask for it at you local grocery or take a look into your own kitchen. We'll cook together with all the expired products that have been brought in.

More information

Would you like to join us? Please RSVP on our webpage. Doors will open at 17:30. Entrance fee is €2,50 with membership. No membership yet? You can buy one at the door for €7,50. Over Datum Eetclub takes place at Mediamatic BANK Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam.

Note: If you come before 18:00 we can guarantee you a seat. Doors close at 19:00.