Cindy Wright - Silence of the night

Double exhibition with hyper-realistic paintings

27 Eki 2012
24 Kas 2012

Galerie Ron Mandos shows this autumn a double exhibition with hyper-realistic paintings by the Flemish artist Cindy Wright. In addition, impressive video work by video-artist and photographer Dana Levy from Israel.


Cindy Wright, A Brave New fruit, 2010 - Cindy Wright, A Brave New fruit, 2010, gevonden op Cindy Wright

Amsterdam 27.10.12 – 24.11.12
Opening: Saturday 27.10.2012 17:00 -19:00

In the work of Cindy Wright plays the tradition of the vanitas still-life an important role. Wright photographs her own created and stylized subjects with a digital camera. Wright uses these images while painting. The skilled work shows us a reality painted from a photograph.

Dana Levy explores in her work the relationship between the natural and the unnatural. For her video The Wake she filmed in the Carnegie Natural History Museum in Pittsburg. Between the drawers of stuffed butterflies, accurately preserved in authentic wooden cabinets, the viewer sees one-hundred living butterflies. Their interaction creates a special tension in this video. Also on show will be her video Fountain.

With an Introduction at 17:30 by Stef van Bellingen, art-historian and a member (chairman) of the national jury. He teaches contemporary art at various art-institutions in Belgium and the Netherlands. As a curator, he is active in the Netherlands and abroad, where he works with both upcoming talent and established artists.